April Resources: Earth Day, Arbor Day, Soil and Water Stewardship Week
The March equinox in our northern hemisphere marks a seasonal change when nature becomes renewed. The days and nights are approximately equal, and we celebrate the onset of Spring.
To help us prepare for three major events in April, consider these:
Earth Day, April 22 (1970-2015 this is the 45th anniversary)
Creation Justice Ministries' theme of "Have you anything here to eat? Sustainable Food in a Changing Climate considers the interplay of how food production and consumption impacts the climate, and how climate change affects the growing and accessing of food. Denominational versions of this program theme are available, and include Christian Education activities and ideas, Worship Service hymn and song suggestions, and other resources on faith, food and the climate. Go to http://www.creationjustice.org/ .
A secular site, http://earthday.org , is an international movement to protect the planet and secure a sustainable future. It suggests many actions and urges you to register your pledge for action to protect the environment. It has received over One Billion Acts of Green! One partner is Interfaith Power and Light.
Arbor Day April 24 (begun in 1872, always the last Friday in April)
The Arbor Day Foundation inspires people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. A guidebook for involvement, education materials, and celebration materials can be found at http://www.arborday.org .
Soil and Water Stewardship Week Sunday April 26-Sunday May 3 (begun in 1955, this is the 60th anniversary)
Celebrating "Local Heroes: Your Hardworking Pollinators" is the theme sponsored by the National Association of Stewardship Districts. The need to protect the habitat of pollinators, the insects and others that move pollen, is raised up with an impressive array of educational materials suitable for Christian Education, including a church leader's guide, a litany, program insert, and other community outreach stewardship products. http://www.nacdnet.org/