May 2018 Creation Corner Column
June 5, World Environment Day: Beat Plastic Pollution
You may recall this quote from the 1967 movie, The Graduate.
Mr. Maguire: I want to say one word to you, Benjamin. Just one word.
Benjamin Braddock: Yes, sir.
Mr. Maguire: Are you listening?
Benjamin Braddock: Yes I am.
Mr. Maguire: Plastics.
Now over 50 years later, we are reaping what we have sown, plastics everywhere.
You have read the descriptions: "planet waste crisis," "world's plastic binge," "global plastic littering," "marine plastic litter crisis", etc.
The World Health Organization (WHO) analyzed some of the world's most popular bottled water brands and found more than 90% contained tiny pieces of plastic, thus the concern about plastic in drinking water.
For two billion poor and vulnerable people who live in communities without rubbish collections, trash-filled rivers flood, causing disease, and hundreds of thousands of premature deaths occur from the toxic fumes cause by the burning of waste.
That is why the Environmental Sabbath this year during the UNEP's World Environment Day week features a focus on the plethora of plastic confronting us.
You have read of the concern that certain kinds of plastic can and should be recycled, and that appears to be all for the good. And some communities ban plastic bags. Companies should try to reduce plastic packaging, help collect the waste, and support community recycling efforts.
Yes, plastic is ubiquitous. Not a good thing. Plastic out-lives us; not much is biodegradable.
Solutions have been suggested. Of course, assume more personal responsibility to avoid bringing plastic into your household, "Refuse" is a "re" prefix-word, along with reduce, reuse and recycle. Use less and "Wake Up" to what you are consuming. Can you go to the supermarket and come away without any plastic packaging?
Governments need to be encouraged to implement Deposit Return Schemes (DRS) whereby single-use, "throw-away" drink containers (plastic, glass, metal) can be deposited in "reverse vending machines" that automate a small cash return or voucher. Recycling machines can be equipped with shredding mechanisms. As plastic waste increases, so can recycling efforts reach 99% as in Germany. The DRS solution is found in 39 countries.
Another solution, distant into the future, is the use of a mutant enzyme (Ideonella sakaiensis) that breaks down plastic drink bottles, thus fully recycling the bottles of PET (polyethylene terephthalate).
Thus, the effort this year to draw our attention to the problem, and solutions. To learn how to refuse using plastic, to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic waste; to find guides on #BeatPlasticPollution for government partners, education partners, and organizations and businesses, go to World Environment Day
For the Environmental Sabbath Service Call to prayers, of awareness, sorrow, healing, and gratitude, go to The United Nations Environmental Sabbath Service | Earth Ministry